Can i post my letter to Elon?

Yes you can.

Will i need to register for post my letter?

Yes you need to register first

Will my information safe in this site?

It will be safe. Don't worry.

What is the purpose of this site?

Letter to Elon is a blog website where people can express their wishes and emotions to Elon Musk. The purpose of this site is so people who can't speak directly to Elon Musk can write their thoughts or suggestions and have it here on For this, the user just needs to register by entering their name, email address, and create a password, then they can write letters. Anyone may comment on other letters or comments without registering.
This is a free speech website however; foul language or nude photos are not tolerated.

Does it allow all type of content?

The User may put a photo or link to a video within the note or letter. We must have standards of content. No nude photos or foul language allowed.